I came up with this idea a long time ago. Like, before I ever uploaded a single Luna Lesser comic. I finally decided to draw it out because Neil Peart, the drummer and lyricist from Rush died earlier this month.
I felt like I had to do some kind of tribute, although it’s about two weeks too late to be right after the fact.
Rush was a big deal to me in highschool (and now). Their music is layered and incredible, but the big thing that set them apart from a lot of bands was the lyrics. Neil Peart wrote songs about ideas and that appealed to me.
I always liked the way he explored concepts lyrically. You can kind of chart his growth as a person album to album. Yeah, the early stuff is really libertarian and Ayn Rand lipservicy as reporters even today love to dwell on, but the stuff he wrote at the end of his life was miles away from objectivism. Which he addressed in interviews.
I’m not going to hold that against anyone. I’ve changed a lot too.
The humanism on growing display with every album made me a more considerate and better person by listening to it.
No really.
The lyrics never got simple. They never felt unconsidered. They’re gray area as fuck.
Later albums address subjects like class divide, the religious barrier of East and West world relationships, the pointlessness of nationalism, violence as cultural fetish, the negative effects of government conflicts on citizens, and so on.
I have never been a subscriber to the theory that art should not be political. That anyone should be unbiased. That’s a ridiculous expectation. I don’t want to create art that doesn’t say what I want to say. That isn’t what artists do.
Neil Peart was a fucking artist.
Thanks for reading this, and the comic.